pc.skel(dataset, method = "pearson", alpha = 0.05, rob = FALSE, R = 1, graph = FALSE)
pc.con(dataset, method = "pearson", alpha = 0.05, graph = FALSE)
SES, MMPC, mmhc.skel
# simulate a dataset with continuous data
dataset <- matrix( runif(1000 * 50, 1, 100), nrow = 1000 )
a <- mmhc.skel(dataset, max_k = 3, threshold = 0.05, test = "testIndFisher" )
b <- pc.skel( dataset, method = "pearson", alpha = 0.05 )
b2 <- pc.con( dataset, method = "pearson" )
a$runtime ##
b$runtime ##
b2$rntime ## check the diffrerences in the runtimes
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